It all starts with the sheep. We source our wool from more than 200 farmers across Gisborne, working alongside them and our sister company, East Coast Wools Ltd (ECW), to ensure the animals and fleece are processed in keeping with our high ethical and quality standards.


The wool is sent to ECW's Gisborne wool store for processing. Here, we attain core samples that are tested at an independent facility to establish the fibre's density, yield, colour, constitution and length.


The results are analysed to determine if the wool meets our strict, high standards. Our farms are renowned for their quality wool, so we aim to purchase 80% of their supply for our Wisewool™. The remainder is sold through ECW to third parties, which maximises farmer returns.


The selected wool is naturally scoured (washed) and deodorised.


Scoured wool is then transported to our factories in Gisborne or Te Poi, Waikato, to be processed into our three unique products: Wisewool Buds, Wisewool Cloud and Wisewool Needle-Punched Blanketing.


These completed Wisewool products are distributed to our customers for use as ingredient materials in their production.


As Wisewool gains prominence in the market, we expect to offer our committed woolgrowers a premium price above market value. These higher returns will give local farmers the incentive and confidence to continue growing and supplying us with sustainable, strong wool.